1.2.15 release

Release date: 2022-11-21


  • Z-index optimization thought the whole library. New rule is that everything has z-index 999 that intended to be brought to top (eg. tooltip, dropdown) and everything else got the lowest possible (1) z-index where relative z-indexing was needed.
  • Added clearMessage method to clear all messages manually added to messageBag.
  • Refactored tabs & steps CSS.
  • Form steps are now using v-if instead of v-show.
  • Added isLast, isFirst, last$ props steps & tabs.
  • Finish step now also recognizes next label (for ease of configuration).
  • Focus first element on next step if stepped with keyboard.
  • A11y improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Multifile object gallery rendered images in rows.
  • Remove query param from uploaded filename.
  • Pressing enter in certain elements caused removing or adding list elements.
  • Datepicker was aligned to right in tailwind theme.
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