Rendering forms

Learn how to render forms using Vueform in three different ways.

Forms can be rendered in several ways:

  • inline, using <template> syntax
  • using an SFC with a vueform configuration object
  • mixing the two of them.

This chapter is about going through these different options, their basic use cases, pros and cons.

Using Inline Elements

Once Vueform is installed we can use <Vueform> component anywhere in out project:

  <div id="app">

When we render a Vueform component we create a wrapper for of its elements.

To render elements, we can simply include their components in Vueform component:

  <div id="app">
      <TextElement name="name" ... />
      <TextElement name="email" ... />

Elements always have a name while other options can be passed over as a props:

<TextElement name="name" label="Name" placeholder="Your name" ... />

You can see the list elements and their options available in Vueform in our Components reference that you are encouraged to check after finishing this guide.


The benefits of this approach are:

  • intuitiveness
  • form layout can be customized.


The drawbacks of this approach are:

  • redundant writing
  • harder to dynamize.

Using schema Object

The second approach is defining elements in an object called schema instead of writing them inline:

  <div id="app">
    <Vueform :schema="schema"></Vueform>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const schema = ref({
  name: { type: 'text', label: 'Name' },
  email: { type: 'text', label: 'Email' }
  <div id="app">
    <Vueform :schema="schema"></Vueform>

export default {
  data: () => ({
    schema: {
      name: { type: 'text', label: 'Name' },
      email: { type: 'text', label: 'Email' }

In this case all the elements of the form are defined as a single object and rendered sequentially. The keys in schema are the names of the elements, while the values are their options.

This approach enables us to store complete form schemas (or even complete form configurations) in database and load them dynamically:

<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'

const schema = ref({})

onMounted(async () => {
  schema.value = (await axios.get('/forms/login')).data
export default {
  data: () => ({
    schema: {}
  async mounted() {
    this.schema = (await axios.get('/forms/login')).data


The benefits of this approach are:

  • form elements and configration are easier to dynamize
  • less writing


The drawbacks of this approach are:

  • form layout cannot be customized
  • less intuitive

Using Single File Component

The third approach is to create a component and make it "act" like Vueform:

<!-- ./components/forms/LoginForm.vue -->

import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
import { Vueform, useVueform } from '@vueform/vueform'

export default {
  mixins: [Vueform],
  setup(props, context) {
    const form = ...useVueform(props, context)

    const vueform = ref({
      schema: {
        email: { type: 'text', label: 'Email' },
        password: { type: 'text', inputType: 'password', label: 'Password' },

    // TIP:
    onMounted(() => {
      // Vueform props and methods can be used here, eg:
      const formData =

    return {
<!-- ./components/forms/LoginForm.vue -->

import { Vueform, useVueform } from '@vueform/vueform'

export default {
  mixins: [Vueform],
  setup: useVueform,
  data: () => ({
    vueform: {
      schema: {
        email: { type: 'text', label: 'Email' },
        password: { type: 'text', inputType: 'password', label: 'Password' },
  // TIP:
  mounted() {
    // Vueform props and methods are available via `this`:
    const formData =

As we can see we are using Vueform and useVueform to make our component behave as Vueform.

The Vueform mixin is responsible for adding Vueform's props to the component, so it can still accept configuration options from the outside.

The useVueform composable brings a set of properties and methods defined with Composition API that gives the core functionality of Vueform.

The third thing we can inspect, is that schema is defined in the vueform object. The vueform object is where we configure default options for the form. Later these options can even be extended via component props.

What does it mean? Let's see an example.

This is how we would use LoginForm.vue in an application:

  <div id="app">
    <LoginForm />

This will render the email and password elements as we defined previously in our component.

Now what if we'd like to add some other elements to the form? For example adding a "Login" button with different colors or different label in different places of the application, but using the same login form.

That's something we can do as Vueform combines its default configuration and the props provided to it:

  <div id="app">
    <LoginForm :schema="{
      button: { type: 'button', buttonLabel: 'Login', submits: true }
    }" />

When using Vueform as an SFC, it combines its internal configuration (vueform) with the options it receives as props.

The following options are being merged when they both exist in data().vueform object and as a prop:

Everything else is overwritten by the props provided to the component.

Customizing Form Layout

Using Vueform as an SFC not only gives us the opportunity to create base configurations, but we can create base form layouts as well.

Let's stick to our previous example, but instead of defining elements in schema let's use a custom <template> with inline elements:

<!-- ./components/forms/LoginForm.vue -->

    <div class="w-full flex">
      <div class="w-1/2"><TextElement name="email" label="Email" /></div>
      <div class="w-1/2"><TextElement name="password" label="Password" /></div>

import { Vueform, useVueform } from '@vueform/vueform'

export default {
  mixins: [Vueform],
  setup: useVueform,

This will render the email and password fields next to each other (using Tailwind CSS utility classes). As you've probably noticed we are not using vueform object. This is because element options are already defined inline so we don't need schema (as in our first example).

Our LoginForm is still just a regular component that has some properties and methods provided by Vueform mixin and useVueform setup function.

So if we want we can provide custom props and use them in our template:

<!-- ./components/forms/LoginForm.vue -->

    <div class="w-full flex">
      <div :class="`w-${width}`"><TextElement name="email" label="Email" /></div>
      <div :class="`w-${width}`"><TextElement name="password" label="Password" /></div>

import { Vueform, useVueform } from '@vueform/vueform'

export default {
  mixins: [Vueform],
  setup: useVueform,
  props: {
    width: {
      required: false,
      type: String,
      default: '1/2'

And then we can override default element width when using the LoginForm component with width prop:

  <div id="app">
    <LoginForm width="full" />

Note: element widths can be customized with columns option much easier as you'll learn later.


The benefits of using Single File Components are:

  • easier to reusability
  • leverage compositions
  • form layout still can be customized
  • form configuration can be dynamized


The drawbacks of using Single File Components are:

  • requires a separate file
  • harder to read/write

Which Approach to Choose?

It depends on your use case.

The basic recommended approach is using template syntax by default as that's the cleanest, most intuitive way that other developers will also understand the easiest.

If you need dynamic forms, because you are adding/removing elements, changing configuration on runtime or loading them from database you should use schema object or Single File Components.

If you explicitly want to reuse or oursource more complex forms into separate files you should go with Single File Components.

Web Components

Please check out the following example to learn how to render forms using Web Components:,index.html,src%2Fcomponents%2FMyForm.vue

Further Reading

Vueform can not only display elements, but also other components like FormSteps or FormTabs. Besides it offers various configuration options that you can be learned by checking out Vueform API.

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