Input Mask

Learn how to add masks to input fields.

Plugin Installation

Input mask can be added to Vueform's TextElement field by installing @vueform/plugin-mask plugin.

First, let's install the plugin:

npm install @vueform/plugin-mask
yarn add @vueform/plugin-mask
pnpm install @vueform/plugin-mask
bun install @vueform/plugin-mask

After that, we need to add the plugin to vueform.config.js:

// vueform.config.js

import { defineConfig } from '@vueform/vueform'
import PluginMask from '@vueform/plugin-mask'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [

We can test if the plugin has been succefully installed by adding mask prop to a TextElement:

<TextElement mask="+1 (000)-000-0000" />


Masks can only be used with inputType: 'text' which is the default type of TextElement.


<TextElement mask="..." ... />
<TextElement input-type="text" mask="..." ... />


<TextElement input-type="number" mask="..." ... />
<TextElement input-type="week" mask="..." ... />
<TextElement input-type="date" mask="..." ... />
<!-- ... -->


Mask placeholders are invisible by default. We can make them visible by setting placeholder: true:

<TextElement mask="+1 (000)-000-0000" /> <!-- placeholder: false -->
<TextElement :mask="{ mask: '+1 (000)-000-0000', placeholder: true }" />

Mask placeholders are different from the element's placeholder option. Mask placeholders represent the mask format and are always visible when the user types, while element placeholder describe what kind of information the user should type and disappear when the input has value.

Placeholder Character

We can change the placeholder character by replacing placeholderChar:

<TextElement :mask="{ mask: '+1 (000)-000-0000', placeholderChar: '#', placeholder: true }" />

Unmasked Value

By default the element value will be pick up the mask format, including any extra characters it may have. We can disable this and only have the input entered by the user as the element's value by setting unmasked prop:

<TextElement mask="+1 (000)-000-0000" /> <!-- unmask: false -->
<TextElement mask="+1 (000)-000-0000" unmask />

When using unmask the element value may be provided as masked or unmasked value when loading/updating data, either like 6502530000 or +1 (650)-253-0000 and it will be automatically converted to the unmasked value.

Overwrite Mode

By default the entered value is shifted when the user is typing. This means that if they already have a string of abcd and the click between b and c and add an x it will become abxcd.

If overwrite mode is enabled with overwrite: true, the same action would result in abxd.

<TextElement mask="aaaaa" /> <!-- overwrite: false -->
<TextElement :mask="{ mask: 'aaaaa', overwrite: true }" />

Secure Entry

We might replace the entered characters to hide input value upon typing (much like password input type does):

<TextElement :mask="{ mask: '000000', displayChar: '#' }" ... />


Number mask can be used to restrict input to integer or decimal numbers.

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'number',

   * Optional params (with defaults)
  thousandsSeparator: '',     // any single char
  scale: 2,                   // digits after fractional delimiter, 0 for integers
  padFractionalZeros: false,  // pads zeros at end to the length of scale
  normalizeZeros: true,       // removes zeros at ends (eg. 1,10 -> 1,1)
  radix: ',',                 // fractional delimiter
  mapToRadix: ['.'],          // symbols to process as radix
  min: -10000,                // minimum allowed value
  max: 10000,                 // maximum allowed value
  autofix: true,              // replace with min/max value if outside of range
}" ... />


Range mask can be used to restrict input to a number range.

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'range',
  from: 1,        // minimum allowed value
  to: 90,         // maximum allowed value
   * Optional params
  maxLength: 3,   // smaller values will pad zeros at start
  autofix: true,  // replace with min/max value if outside of range
}" ... />


Enum mask can be used to restrict input within characters enum with autocomplete.

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'enum',
  enum: [              
   * Optional params (with defaults)
  caseInsensitive: true, // use case insensitive match
}" ... />


Pattern masks are useful when the mask needs to match a certain pattern and is more or less fixed in size.

Here's an example of a US SSN (Social Security Number) input:

<TextElement name="ssn" mask="000-00-0000" placeholder="000-00-0000" />

Allow Incomplete

By default the element's value will be only fulfilled if the input value matches the full string. This can be disabled with allowIncomplete option:

<TextElement name="ssn" :mask="{ mask: '000-00-0000', placeholder: true }" allow-incomplete ... />


The pattern mask can use the following tokens:

  • 0 - any digit
  • a - any letter
  • * - any char

The following pattern should match any 4 characters followed by 4 letters and 4 digits:

Custom Tokens can be created as we will learn later on.


Modifiers can add special behavior to mask patterns:

  • [] - make input optional
  • {} - include fixed part in unmasked value
  • ` - (backtick) prevent symbols shift back

[] - conditional

Makes a part of the pattern optional.

<TextElement mask="[aa]0000" ... />

{} - include in unmasked value

Makes a part of the pattern included in umasked value.

<TextElement mask="+1 (000)-000-0000" unmask ... />
<TextElement mask="{+1} (000)-000-0000" unmask ... />

When not using unmask all characters of the mask are included in the value.

` - prevent shift back

Anything entered after this character will not be shifted back when the user removes a character before it.

<TextElement mask="000-000" ... /> <!-- allow shift back -->
<TextElement mask="000-`000" ... /> <!-- prevent shift back -->

Fixed Characters

Any character that is not defined as a token will be fixed in the pattern:

<TextElement mask="DE89 0000 0000 0000 00" ... />
         <!-- Fixed^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Pattern -->

Escape Tokens

Tokens can be escaped by double backslash \\:

<TextElement mask="GE29 NB\\0\\0 0000 0000 0000 00" ... />
         <!-- Fixed^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Pattern -->

Eager Mode

When a mask contains fixed characters after the start of the string we can decide whether they should be displayed after the last character or before the next character is typed in.

If false (default) the fixed character will only be displayed before the next character is typed. If true the fixed characters will be displayed after the previous character is typed.

<TextElement mask="GE00 NB\0\0 0000 0000 0000 00" ... /> <!-- eager: false -->
<TextElement :mask="{ mask: 'GE00 NB\\0\\0 0000 0000 0000 00', eager: true }" ... />

Custom Tokens

We can create custom tokens by using definitions object:

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: '#hhhhhh',
  definitions: {
    'h': /[0-9a-fA-F]/ // Regex or another token
}" ... />

The key of the definition should be a single character and the value can be another token or a regex that the token will be tested against.

Register Custom Tokens Globally

Custom tokens can be registered globally by passing them to the mask plugin:

// vueform.config.js

import { defineConfig } from '@vueform/vueform'
import PluginMask from '@vueform/plugin-mask'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      definitions: {
        'h': /[0-9a-fA-F]/

After we registered a token globally we can use it as a regular token in our patterns:

<TextElement mask="#hhhhhh" ... />

Custom Blocks

Custom blocks are different from Custom Tokens as they can represent more complex masks, not just single characters. Think about them as nested masks, where different parts of the original mask can have different "submasks".

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'Ple\\ase fill ye\\ar 19YY, month MM',
  placeholder: true,  // make placeholder always visible
  blocks: {
    YY: {
      mask: '00',
    MM: {
      mask: 'enum',
      enum: [
}" ... />

Register Custom Blocks Globally

Custom blocks can be registered globally by passing them to the mask plugin:

// vueform.config.js

import { defineConfig } from '@vueform/vueform'
import PluginMask from '@vueform/plugin-mask'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      blocks: {
        MM: {
          mask: 'enum',
          enum: [

Repeat Pattern

Repeating certain patterns can be achieved using blocks:

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'VFr',
  blocks: {
    r: {
      repeat: Infinity, // number of times to repeat: Infinity | number | [min, max]
      mask: '-000',
}" ... />

The value will only be considered complete if only full repeatabled patterns matched.

When using repeat: [2,4] the value will be considered complete if the pattern is repeated between 2 and 4 times:

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'VFr',
  blocks: {
    r: {
      repeat: [2,4], // number of times to repeast: Infinity | number | [min, max]
      mask: '-000',
}" ... />


Regular expressions can be used as mask. When the user types it will be matched against the regex, which means that it needs to accept intermediary states as well.

This is a correct regex, as it allows entering one or more numbers, so it intermediary values are accepted:

<TextElement :mask="/^[a-fA-F0-9]{0,6}$/" ... />

However this would be an incorrect regex, as only the final value is define by the regex and not intermediary ones:

<!-- Don't do this -->
<TextElement :mask="/^123$/" ... />

This regex only accepts 123 as an input but not 1 or 12 so the user won't be able to enter data.

To accept any growing sequence from 0 to 9 we can use a Function mask combined with regex:

<TextElement :mask="() => ({ mask: value => /^\d*$/.test(value) &&
    value.split('').every((ch, i) => {
      const prevCh = value[i-1];
      return !prevCh || prevCh < ch;
  })" ... />

Always think about intermediary values when using regex mask. In complex cases it might be better to use Pattern masks.


Date mask can be used to input dates that are validated against existing dates (eg. don't allow 2023-02-29).

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'date',

   * Optional params (with defaults)

  // the date pattern
  pattern: 'd.`m.`Y',    

  // blocks for the pattern   
  blocks: {                 
    d: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1,
      to: 31,
      maxLength: 2,
    m: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1,
      to: 12,
      maxLength: 2,
    Y: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1900,
      to: 9999,

  // define Date -> string convertion (required if custom pattern is defined)
  format: (Date) => {         
    let day = Date.getDate()
    let month = Date.getMonth() + 1
    let year = Date.getFullYear()

    return [
      day < 10 ? '0' + day : day,
      month < 10 ? '0' + month : month,

  // define string -> Date convertion (required if custom pattern is defined)
  parse: (str) => {           
    const yearMonthDay = str.split('.')
    return new Date(yearMonthDay[2], yearMonthDay[1] - 1, yearMonthDay[0])

  // min date that can be entered
  min: new Date(1900, 0, 1),  

  // max date that can be entered
  max: new Date(9999, 0, 1),  
}" ... />

The date will be validated before the last character is entered. If it would be an invalid date it won't allow the value.

It can be used with date libraries eg. moment.js which takes care of formatting:

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const momentFormat = ref('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm')

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: 'date',
  pattern: momentFormat,
  blocks: {
    YYYY: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1900,
      to: 9999
    MM: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1,
      to: 12
    DD: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 1,
      to: 31
    HH: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 0,
      to: 23
    mm: {
      mask: 'range',
      from: 0,
      to: 59
  format: (date) => moment(date).format(momentFormat),
  parse: (str) => moment(str, momentFormat),
  placeholder: true,
}" ... />

Blocks can be registered globally.

Dynamic Masks

Dynamic mask automatically selects appropriate mask from provided array of masks. Mask with the largest number of fitting characters is selected considering provided masks order.

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: [
      mask: 'rgb(RGB,RGB,RGB)',
      eager: true,
      blocks: {
        RGB: {
          mask: 'range',
          from: 0,
          to: 255
      mask: /^#[0-9a-f]{0,6}$/i
}" ... />

It is also possible to select mask based on how they start:

<TextElement :mask="{
  mask: [
      mask: '+0 (000)-000-00-00',
      startsWith: '1',
      placeholder: true,
      country: 'US'
      mask: '+00 00 000 0000',
      startsWith: '36',
      placeholder: true,
      country: 'HU'
      mask: '+00 0000 000000',
      startsWith: '49',
      placeholder: true,
      country: 'DE'
      mask: '+0000000[0000000]',
      startsWith: '',
      country: ''
}" ... />

Mask Based on Another Element

By specifying element in the mask object we can pass a path of an other element which will decide which mask to choose. The masks then have to have a when property that basically says "choose this mask when element's value equals this".

Here's an example how we can select phone number formats dynamically based on country:

  placeholder="Select country..."
    US: 'United States',
    HU: 'Hungary',
    DE: 'Germany',
    other: 'Other'
<TextElement name="phone_number" :mask="{
  mask: [
      mask: '+1 (000)-000-00-00',
      placeholder: true,
      when: 'US'
      mask: '+36 00 000 0000',
      placeholder: true,
      when: 'HU'
      mask: '+49 0000 000000',
      placeholder: true,
      when: 'DE'
      mask: '+0000000[0000000]',
      when: ''
  element: 'country',
}" />

There always needs to be a mask with when: '' which will be the default mask when a match isn't found.

(A full list of international phone mask formats can be found here.)

Customize Mask Selector

The mask selector can be customized with dispatch. Here's the default dispatcher that matched the mask based on startsWith:

  mask: [
    // ...
  dispatch: (appended, dynamicMasked, el$, form$) => {
    const number = (dynamicMasked.value + appended).replace(/\D/g,'')

    return dynamicMasked.compiledMasks.find(m => number.indexOf(m.startsWith) === 0)


The default mask plugin includes several masking features which adds about 15kBs to the final bundle's gzipped size.

If we don't need all the features we can only include the ones we use:

// vueform.config.js

import { defineConfig } from '@vueform/vueform'
import IMask from 'imask/holder'
import PluginMask from '@vueform/plugin-mask/plugin'

// remove the ones not needed
import 'imask/masked/date'
import 'imask/masked/number'
import 'imask/masked/dynamic'
import 'imask/masked/enum'
import 'imask/masked/number'
import 'imask/masked/pattern'
import 'imask/masked/range'
import 'imask/masked/regexp'
import 'imask/masked/repeat'
import 'imask/masked/function'

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [
      { /* options */ },


Vueform's mask plugin is based on imaskjs, a fantastic and well-maintained library for vanilla javascript input mask by Alexey Kryazhev.

If more advanced input masks are required, please head to their official website for more info. In general, all the options we pass to our input as mask will be passed down to IMask as the second argument, so even if a property is not described here, can be used.

The IMask object can be accessed by passing the mask as a function with IMask param that should return an object with the mask options:

<TextElement :mask="(IMask) => ({
  mask: 'enum',
  // ...

If the TextElement has a mask prop, it exposes Mask object which is the IMask instance:

<TextElement mask="..." @change="(newValue, oldValue, el$) => {
}" >

It also exposes the following methods:

  • destroyMask - destroys the IMask instance
  • initMask - inits the IMask instance
  • syncMask - syncs the IMask value with the element value and model
  • refreshMask - reinits the IMask instance
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