Conditional rendering

Learn how to render almost any part of your forms conditionally.

Element Conditions

We can pass an array to :conditions prop of any element:

    <CheckboxElement name="newsletter" text="Subscribe for newsletter" />
      placeholder="Email address"
        ['newsletter', '==', true]

If any of the conditions are failing the element will be invisible, its data will be excluded from requestData and the element's available property will become false.

When a condition is provided as an array, the first value must be the path of an other element. The second is an operator that should define the type of comparison. The third is the expected value of the other field.

Available operators:

  • == - expect equality
  • != - expect inequality
  • > - expect the other element's value(s) to be higher
  • >=- expect the other element's value(s) to be higher or equal
  • < - expect the other element's value(s) to be lower
  • <= - expect the other element's value(s) to be lower or equal
  • between - expect the other element's value(s) to be between two numbers ([x, y])
  • ^ - expect the other element's value to start with
  • $ - expect the other element's value to end with
  • * - expect the other element's value to contain
  • in - expect to be among an array of values
  • not_in - expect not to be among an array of values
  • today - expect to be today
  • before - expect to be before a date (value can be a YYYY-MM-DD date string or today)
  • after - expect to be after a date (value can be a YYYY-MM-DD date string or today)

If we are checking for equality we can leave the operator and pass the expected value as the second param:

<TextElement :conditions="[['newsletter', true]]" ...>

The expected value can also be defined as an array in which case any of its values will fulfill the condition:

  <SelectElement name="delivery" :items="{
    ups: 'UPS',
    fedex: 'FedEx',
    shop: 'In person'
  }" ... />

  <TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
    ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']]
  ]" ... />

AND Conditions

When multiple conditions are applied they must all be fulfilled:

  <SelectElement name="delivery" :items="{
    ups: 'UPS',
    fedex: 'FedEx',
    shop: 'In person'
  }" ... />

  <CheckboxElement name="ask_call" text="Ask for a call" ... />

  <!-- `delivery` AND `ask_call` need to satisfy the condition -->
  <TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
    ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
    ['ask_call', true],
  ]" ... />

OR Conditions

To use or type conditions or condition groups we need to wrap our conditions in an extra array:

  <SelectElement name="delivery" :items="{
    ups: 'UPS',
    fedex: 'FedEx',
    shop: 'In person'
  }" ... />

  <CheckboxElement name="ask_call" text="Ask for a call" ... />

  <!-- `delivery` OR `ask_call` need to satisfy the condition -->
  <TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
      ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
      ['ask_call', true],
  ]" ... />

In this case either choosing UPS or FedEx will satisfy the condition OR checking Ask for a call.

We might combine or conditions with and:

  <SelectElement name="delivery" :items="{
    ups: 'UPS',
    fedex: 'FedEx',
    shop: 'In person'
  }" ... />

  <SelectElement name="payment_method" :items="{
    credit_card: 'Credit Card',
    wire: 'Wire Transfer',
  }" ... />

  <CheckboxElement name="ask_call" text="Ask for a call" :conditions="[
      ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
      ['payment_method', 'wire'],
  ]" ... />

  <!-- `delivery` OR `payment_method` AND `ask_call` need to satisfy the condition -->
  <TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
      ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
      ['payment_method', 'wire'],
    ['ask_call', true],
  ]" ... />

Either selecting UPS or FedEx as delivery option or Wire Transfer as payment method and checking Ask for a call will fulfill our condition. Note that in our example Ask for a call also receives a condition.

We can combine multiple or condition groups as well:

<!-- `delivery` OR `payment_method` AND `ask_call` OR `some_other_condition` need to satisfy the condition -->
<TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
    ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
    ['payment_method', 'wire'],
    ['ask_call', true],
    ['some_other_condition', 'expected value'],
]" ... />

We can also use another AND group in an OR group:

<!-- `delivery` OR `a` is greater than `10` AND lower than `20` -->
<TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
    ['delivery', ['ups', 'fedex']],
      ['a', '>', 10], ['a', '<', 20]
]" ... />

Functional Conditions

A condition can also be a function that receives form$ as a first param and el$ as the second if the condition is assigned to an element.

Here's an example of custom functional condition:

  <SelectElement name="delivery" :items="{
    ups: 'UPS',
    fedex: 'FedEx',
    shop: 'In person'
  }" ... />

  <CheckboxElement name="ask_call" text="Ask for a call" ... />

  <TextElement name="phone" :conditions="[
    function(form$) {
      return ['ups', 'fedex'].indexOf(form$.el$('delivery')?.value) !== -1 ||
  ]" ... />

Note: some elements might not be returned the time conditions are checked. Therefore it's recommended to use the optional chaning operator (?.) to avoid errors.

Conditions in Nested Elements

We can also apply conditions that point to nested elements by using their path with . syntax:

    <GroupElement name="registration">
      <CheckboxElement name="newsletter" text="Subscribe for newsletter" />
      placeholder="Email address"
        ['registration.newsletter', true]

The same dot . syntax can be used for <ObjectElement>.

List Conditions

We can reference elements in lists within the same instance using *:

    <ListElement name="users">
      <template #default="{ index }">
        <ObjectElement :name="index">
          <TextElement name="name" placeholder="Name" />
          <CheckboxElement name="is_admin" text="Has admin rights" />
          <CheckboxElement name="can_delete" text="Can delete posts" :conditions="[
            ['users.*.is_admin', true]
          ]" />

Conditions on Form Steps

We can add conditions to FormStep components:

    <template #empty>
        <FormStep label="First" :elements="['first']" />
        <FormStep label="Second" :elements="['second']" :conditions="[
          ['checkbox', true]
        ]" />
        <FormStep label="Third" :elements="['third']" />

      <TextElement name="first" placeholder="First input">
      <TextElement name="second" placeholder="Second input">
      <TextElement name="third" placeholder="Third input">
      <CheckboxElement name="checkbox" text="Check me" />

      <FormStepsControls />

Any element contained in a step with conditions will only be part of requestData if the step's conditions are fullfilled.

Conditions on Form Tabs

We can also add conditions to FormTab components:

    <template #empty>
        <FormTab label="First" :elements="['first']" />
        <FormTab label="Second" :elements="['second']" :conditions="[
          ['checkbox', true]
        ]" />
        <FormTab label="Third" :elements="['third']" />

      <TextElement name="first" placeholder="First input">
      <TextElement name="second" placeholder="Second input">
      <TextElement name="third" placeholder="Third input">
      <CheckboxElement name="checkbox" text="Check me" />

Any element contained in a tab with conditions will only be part of requestData if the tab's conditions are fullfilled.

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