Infinite scroll for select options

Learn how to load select options dynamically as you scroll.

  <Vueform v-bind="form" />

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'

const form = ref({
  schema: {
    languages: {
      type: 'tags',
      closeOnSelect: false,
      placeholder: 'Choose your stack',
      filterResults: false,
      minChars: 0,
      resolveOnLoad: false,
      extendOptions: {
        infinite: true,
      limit: 10,
      clearOnSearch: true,
      delay: 0,
      search: true,
      items: async (query) => {
        return await get(query)

const get = async (query) => {
  return await fetchLanguages(query)

const fetchLanguages = async (query) => {
  // From:

  let where = ''

  if (query) {
    where = '&where=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify({
      "ProgrammingLanguage": {
        "$regex": `${query}|${query.toUpperCase()}|${query[0].toUpperCase() + query.slice(1)}`

  const response = await fetch(
    '' + where,
      headers: {
        'X-Parse-Application-Id': 'XpRShKqJcxlqE5EQKs4bmSkozac44osKifZvLXCL', // This is the fake app's application id
        'X-Parse-Master-Key': 'Mr2UIBiCImScFbbCLndBv8qPRUKwBAq27plwXVuv', // This is the fake app's readonly master key

  const data = await response.json(); // Here you have the data that you need

  return => {
    return { value: item.ProgrammingLanguage, label: item.ProgrammingLanguage }

We can do the same for MultiselectElement and TagsElement.

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