Complete form steps up until a point
Complete forms steps up until a point eg. when loading a partially filled in form.
If we have a form with eg. 5 steps and we want to complete the steps up until step 3 (eg. when loading a stepped form with partially filled in data) and go to step 3, we can do the following:
<Vueform ref="form$">
<template #empty>
<FormStep name="first" />
<FormStep name="second" />
<FormStep name="third" />
<FormStep name="fourth" />
<FormStep name="fifth" />
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
const form$ = ref(null)
onMounted(() => {
let step = 'third' // change this to the step you need
let index = form$.value.steps$.steps$[step].index
// go to 'third' step and enable all steps before
// complete all steps before 'third' step
form$.value.steps$.steps$Array.forEach((step$) => {
if (step$.index < index) {
Here's how we can save form data in the background as the user fills in the steps:
Related RecipeSubmit data on form stepsLearn how to save form state when using steps.